Sunday, September 21, 2008

Double Standard?

In the case of a former Georgetown police sgt, Jimmy Fennell, procecuters were accused of applying a double standard. Jim Harrington, of the Texas Civil Rights project alledged that the procecuting attorney used favoritism in dropping the most serious charges. The procecuting attorney defended his actions, stating that the Georgetown police department will have to, "answer some questions from the community."

Fennell was accused of forcing a woman in custody to dance for him and then sexually assaulting her. If convicted of the most serious crimes, he would have faced two 99 year prison terms. Instead, he will be facing 10 years and a $10,000 fine. Harrington said that the relatively light sentencing was an indication that officers accused of crimes are treated differently in Williamson county than ordinary citizens. The procecutor has tried two other officers accused of crimes; one recieved 20 years in prision, and another received 10.

This story was published in the Austin American Statesman. It can be read in its entirety at the

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